EjazaOnline - IjazaOnline

Results of International Competition of Quran Memorization

A Few Words
About EjazaOnline

EjazaOnline is part of the Quranic Studies Department at Mishkah University. The university seeks to disseminate authentic Islamic knowledge and make Islamic education accessible to all using the latest technology.


EjazaOnline aims to become the most prominent Quranic platform on the web that teaches recitation and tajwid of the holy Quran, within the next 5 years.


To become the largest academic institution to graduate Hafiz and Mujaz reciters in the world.


  • Rigorous academic codes for both curriculum and teaching techniques.
  • Full transparency in management, teaching tracks, teachers' qualifications and student affairs.
  • Firm adherence to discipline according to Islamic laws and guidance.
  • Consistent quality control throughout the whole teaching process.