EjazaOnline - IjazaOnline

Winners in previous years are not eligible to participate in this year`s competition, unless they participate in a branch higher than the branch in which they previously won.

The fastest growing and most widespread international competition.
The total number of contestants last year was 3532 of both genders, from 61 countries.
The number of winners of cash prizes and scholarships was 54 contestants.

The competition consists of four sections

The first Section: for Arab adults above 15 years whose native language is Arabic.
The second Section
: for non-Arab adults above 15 years whose native language is not Arabic.
The third Section
: for children under 15 years old (Arabs and non-Arabs).
The four Section: for those who master the ten Qira’at.

Branches of the first section

The first branch: memorizing the entire Noble Qur’an according to one “rewaya” of the frequent narrations, and knowing the tafsir of the Noble Qur’an from: “Tafsir al-Saadi”, (Al-Tafsir al-Moyassar), or (Al-Jalalin).
The second branch: memorizing fifteen consecutive Juz from any position with good recitation ,intonation and knowing the meaning of the vocabulary.
The third branch :
memorizing five consecutive Juz with good recitation and intonation.

Branches of the second section

The first branch: memorizing with Tajwid the entire Noble Qur’an according to at least one “rewaya”.
The second branch: memorizing fifteen consecutive Juz from any position with Tajwid.
The third Section: memorizing five consecutive Juz with Tajwid.

Branches of the third section

The first branch: memorizing with Tajwid the entire Noble Qur’an according to at least one “rewaya”.
The second branch: memorizing fifteen consecutive Juz from any position with Tajwid.
The third Section: memorizing five consecutive Juz with Tajwid.

Branches of the fourth section

Just one branch: Memorizing and mastering the ten minor Qira’at, their theoretical foundations, and the letter arrangement (farshul huruf) for each one.

The competition is in 3 stagesFirst: The applicants (male or female) should send an audio recording of the required verses in each branch, along with filling out the application form. Mishkah University will start receiving and evaluating competition applications starting from 15 Rabih II 1446 (October 18, 2024), and the door for receiving applications will close on 15th Shaban 1446 (Feb 14, 2025). Statistics of primary results will be regularly published on ejazaonline.com website.

Second: Examinations will be held with scheduled online interviews for the first 500 (50 contestants from each branch of each department)from 1-10 Ramadan 1446 (March 1- 10, 2025).

Third: Tests for final qualifiers will be held for the top twenty of each branch in front of a committee of senior Qira’at scholars, to determine the top ten winners for each branch, from 11-15 Ramadan 1446 (March 11- 15, 2025).

Some of the finalists will be live broadcasted.
The names of the winners will be announced on 26th Ramadan 1446 (March 26, 2025) inshaa Allah.

Sound clips to be recorded (Must be in MP3, AAC or WMA format)

Sound clips to be recorded

For the first branch:
From V. 64 to V. 71 of Surat Ali `Imran
From V. 50 to V. 60 of Surat Hud
From V. 40 to V. 47 of Surat Fussilat
Surat Al-Balad

For the second branch:
From V. 1 to V. 5 of Surat Ar-Ra’d
From V. 54 to V. 59 of Surat Al-Isra
From V. 7 to V. 15 of Surat An-Naml
Surat Al-Inshirah

For the third branch:
From V. 1 to V. 23 of Surat Adh-Dhariyat
From V. 12 to V. 17 of Surat Al-Mujadila
From V. 27 to V. 46 of Surat An-Nazi`at
Surat Ash-Shams

Section 4 (10 Qira’at):
Read the following passages in all 10 Qira’at collectively (Jam’an)
(verse numbers according to Hafs’ narration on the authority of Asim):
From V. 148 to V. 152 of Surat An-Nisa
From V. 22 to V. 26 of Surat An-Nahl
From V. 1 to V. 10 of Surat Az-Zukhruf
Surat Al-Humazah

Competition Prizes

Prizes in US$:

 1st Section: Adults who speak Arabic


1 st

2 nd  

3 rd

1 st branch




An additional $400 prize will be awarded in 1st branch to anyone who completes at least one additional Qira’at    

2 nd branch




3 rd branch




2nd Section: Adults who don’t speak Arabic


1 st

2 nd  

3 rd

1 st branch




2 nd branch




3 rd branch




3rd Section: Children under 15 years old


1 st

2 nd  

3 rd

1 st branch




2 nd branch




3 rd branch




4th Section: for Masters of Ten Qira’at


1 st

2 nd  

3 rd

1 st branch




2 nd branch




3 rd branch





Scholarships in (Ejazaonline) program at Mishkah University for all fourth, fifth, and sixth winners in all 3 branches for a period of one semester (24 study hours)

How to subscribe

Participation in the competition means acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated in this announcement. A winner in previous years is only
eligible to participate in a higher category than the one he won.

Contestant data and a copy of his/her ID, together with the required audio recordings to be sent to::

 Here are the information that a winner of cash prize must make sure to have to make the prize transfer possible and less hectic to Mishkah Finance Department:

1- The full name as in official documents (Passport or national ID card). The name must be for the recipient whether the recipient is the winner or anyone on behalf of the winner. That is, if the winner is a minor and the prize is to be received by a relative or a friend, then the name of that relative or the friend is needed.
2- Complete residential address for the recipient if the recipient is on behalf of the winner. The address must have street name, apartment number or P.O.Box, county name, province or state name, the city the recipient is living in, and the country.
3- The recipient`s phone number.
4- Copy of the winner (or the recipient`s if on behalf of winner) ID card or passport
5- Recipient`s Bank official Name (Not abbreviated)
6- Recipient`s Bank FULL Address. The address must be complete and shows location, city, state and country
7- Bank account Number of the recipient and IBAN of the recipient
8- Currency of the Bank account
9- Bank swiftCode
10- Bank sort code or branch code, if applicable
11- The prize must be received at a country that is NOT blocked by the USA monetary exchange. The contestant must check about that from his/her side. Mishkah is not responsible of checking the list of countries blocked by the USA.

If the recipient does not have a bank account, the transfer can be made through Western Union or Paypal:
If through Western Union, all recipient`s information (other than bank information) must be provided. The transferred prize will be received in local currency (Not in US Dollars). Western Union has the option to transfer to a bank account which requires the Bank information listed above.
If through paypal, the recipient must provide the paypal account or its QR code.
If the contestant can manage to have the above information, then he/she can enroll in the competition. However, if this information is not manageable, Mishkah cannot assure the ability to send the prize in case the contestant wins it.

To register click here